Let's have some fun learning about car facts and their history and turn it into a fun time with friends and family!
These car facts can easily turn into a quick quiz that can make for a superb social conversation.
Here are some car facts for you to learn and then quiz others with your newfound knowledge!
- When was the first speeding ticket issued?
- Answer: 1902
- What was the mph of the first speeding ticket?
- Answer: 45mph
- How many cars are made per day?
- Answer: 213,000
- If 213,000 vehicles are produced per day, how many would be made in a year?
- Answer: 78 million cars.
- There is 1 car per every 7 people on earth, how many cars does that make in use around the world?
- Answer: 1 billion cars.
- How many parts are in a car?
- Answer: 30,000 parts.
Have fun spreading the knowledge and quizzing everyone you know with these fun and interesting car facts!
If you have any questions about your next vehicle, give me a call!
Clinton Becker